Digital Platform

Planned Maintenance System for Ships – ship PMS

Year after year, organizations set aside valuable resources to manage maintenance schedules on spreadsheets or unreliable maintenance management software. This results in a lot of chaos and stress that comes with the continuous exchange of emails, unreliable data packet exchanges between vessel and shore and so on. With the implementation of the planned maintenance system onboard the ship, we put an end to this chaos by providing a structured methodology to manage the equipment database, documents, job schedules and much more. The fleet maintenance software provides unparalleled data synchronization capabilities and allows the management to stay on top of maintenance activities onboard all their vessels allowing to measure the performance of the fleet maintenance department. The system comprehensively covers ship maintenance that falls under categories as planned maintenance, preventive maintenance, condition-based maintenance and corrective maintenance.
Capella Planned Maintenance System for Ships – ship PMS

Planned Maintenance System for Ships (ship PMS software)

- Centrally define vessel equipment / component structure for the fleet / single vessel
- Centrally define and schedule calendar / running hour based maintenance jobs with our PMS for ships
- Centrally store and distribute jobs, intervals, procedures, manuals and images from the office
- Automatic scheduling and assigning of planned maintenance jobs based on set intervals
- Define and track critical and non- critical equipment and their corresponding maintenance jobs
- Automatic alerts for due jobs through the ship PMS software
- Graphical interface for seamless planning of jobs in the planned maintenance system
- Manage breakdown jobs and defects through the planned maintenance system

Benefits of the Planned Maintenance for ships (ship PMS)

- Better monitoring of vessel equipment using a planned maintenance system onboard ship helps reduce downtime, ensuring your vessels are well utilized
- Avoid expenses that could have been incurred replacing equipment that breakdown
- Avoid expenses incurred for crew travel to replace critical equipment that breakdown onboard the ship
- Gain from better charter rates for well-maintained vessels
- Structural damage in critical areas of the ship can be avoided utilizing our advanced planned maintenance software
- Reduce time spent on planning maintenance activities utilizing the powerful workflow capabilities of the planned maintenance system
- Our ship maintenance software supports better decision making by providing the right information at the right time

Advantages of using the Planned Maintenance System (ship PMS) onboard ships

Maintenance onboard ships are often a reactive undertaking rather than a proactive one. This often results from the dearth of data available to the concerned individuals hampering their ability to plan the maintenance of equipment onboard their ships. Hence causing breakdowns that could have been averted. Through the Marine PMS software for ships, we intend to address this gap by providing users with a user-friendly software that requires no training and bare minimal time from the crew onboard to capture maintenance data onboard the ships. Data automatically synchronizes between the office and the onboard vessel maintenance systems allowing shore staff to analyse data and optimise activities such as job planning, managing inventory. The planned maintenance system for ships (PMS software) is a web-based solution for vessel fleet management and owning companies to plan, manage and track the maintenance onboard their ships. The system adds value to fleet managers by providing them an overview of the status of maintenance jobs onboard the vessels. The PMS (planned maintenance system) for ships liberates them from the continuous email correspondences that are prevalent in the industry. The software comes with offline capabilities for the vessel.

Vessel / Ship Safety Management System Software (HSE, HSSE, HSEQ, HSQE)

Maritime HSQE regulations has often been a challenge to comply with. The fact that there are umpteen number of maritime regulations to comply with, adds to the woes of ship operators. They often end up spending valuable time and resources in an effort to navigate through these. Often, this is also a result of unstructured processes and workflows that exist in organizations.

The Vessel / Ship Safety Management System Software (SMS), puts an end to this chaos by empowering users to digitally track and maintain fleet safety. The software allows stakeholders to stay on top of ISM manuals management, circulars, checklists, incidents, ship audits and inspections, safety committee meetings, drills and any other compliance related activity. ship safety management system software provides maritime organizations with powerful workflow capabilities and transparency, promoting accountability amongst the users to ensure the instances of ship accidents, detention or being heavily fined are drastically reduced.

The Vessel / Ship Safety Management System Software (HSQE) comprises of modules as ships Document Management System, Circulars and Forms, Drills, Safety Committee Meetings, Ship Incident Management System, Ship Audits, Inspections and Vetting Management System, Permit to Work.

Vessel / Ship Safety Management System Software (SMS)

- Manage all ship related documents through the marine safety management system software.
- Dynamically create checklists, forms, circulars and templates without the need of any programming skills
- Single click distribution of latest publications to desired ships through our SMS software
- Smart notification for onboard crew, informing them of new unread documents
- Digitally arrange for Permit to Works and perform Risk Assessments for performing jobs
- Centrally control, manage all data pertaining to your fleet SMS safety management system
- Best in class data synchronisation between onboard ship and shore systems
- Create customised workflow, review and approval cycles with our marine safety management system software
- Effortlessly plan and track safety committee meetings and drills

Benefits of the Ship Safety Management System Software (SMS)

- Increased transparency due to digital workflows, access controls and user logs
- Increased efficiency using our ship safety management system software
- Automatic synchronisation of data between ship and office onshore ensuring all stakeholders are on the same page
- PRIME Marine HSQE helps increase accountability within the organization Increased quality of data results in reduced instances of ships being detained
- The marine safety management system software helps reduce accident and incidents resulting in reduced costs
- Centralised database allows sharing of data from the safety management system software with the PMS

Vessel Procurement Software (Ship Procurement Software)

vessel procurement software is a native web browser-based solution for Ship Owners and Managers to organize the entire procurement cycle, from the point of raising requisitions onboard the ship to clearing the payments to the supplier. The software puts an end to the age-old problem of having humungous number of email correspondences to successfully complete a purchase cycle.

The marine procurement software creates efficiencies through its powerful workflow capabilities enabling you to run the purchase department electronically.

Vessel Procurement Software (Ship Procurement Software)

- Create requisitions for stores, spares, medicals and services
- Create customized workflows and role-based access controls to data within the ship procurement software
- Create and manage budget heads / cost centres, based on which marine procurement decisions can be taken
- Automatic calculation of balances within the cost centre
- Maintain a centralised list of vendors in the marine procurement software
- Digitally perform vendor evaluations, performance ratings and analysis to enable your purchasers to get you the best deal
- Dispatch RFQs to multiple vendors with a single click from within the marine procurement software
- Automatic comparison of quotes
- Perform negotiations through the vessel procurement software
- Issue purchase orders through the marine procurement software
- Register invoices
- Inventory Management and Stock Control through integration with the maintenance software
- Automatic reminders to your marine procurement team, vessel superintendents and vendors to keep processes on track
- Generate custom reports and KPIs specific to your organization
- The marine procurement software allows to create customised dashboards enabling you to have the most relevant data illustrated
- Integrate with Accounting systems of your choice

Benefits of the Procurement Software (Ship Procurement Software)

- User friendly marine purchase management software that stimulates easy adoption
- Maintain 360-degree view of all buyer-vendor interactions through our marine procurement software
- Truly web-based software means marine procurement teams located in different geographies can seamlessly collaborate in real time
- Robust data synchronisation capabilities of the software enables the ship and shore systems to automatically replicate data and images ensuring a 100% accurate copy of all ship databases is available at the shore in a central database
- Digitally process and maintain purchase orders and invoices saving time and real estate

The procurement software for ships allows to drastically reduce administrative costs, perform spend analysis, opportunity assessments, supplier management, generate RFQs, compare quotations, issue purchase orders, delivery tracking, invoice handling, goods receipt and savings tracking – all in one single platform. Our marine procurement software provides users the ability to collect, store, analyse data with minimal human intervention reducing costs and data discrepancy. Our marine procurement software is the spend management tool that helps improve procurement performance for your fleet of vessels. It transforms not only how your team works in procurement, but also positively transforms the value brought to you through a truly maritime focused e procurement software.

Vessel Performance System for Ships (Voyage Reporting and Monitoring)

The replacement of traditional telex-based systems with emails onboard, resulted in large scale adoption of spreadsheet based noon reports. With the availability of noon reports at the onshore office, stakeholders analysing vessel performance data were able to unlock tremendous value. However, these noon reports too have several downsides which are successfully addressed in the Vessel and Voyage Performance System.

Vessel Performance Monitoring System (Voyage Reporting)

  • Standardization of data in the vessel performance system ensures vessel operators no longer have to deal with the non-standardized approaches of data entry preferred by various Masters
  • Standardised data allows operators on shore to analyse and use the collected data to draw meaningful insights and make informed decisions
  • The vessel performance system ensures automatic, successful and timely transmission of the vessel noon reports unlike the “spreadsheets over email” dependent noon reports
  • Centralized storage of ship fleet data, ensures valuable bits of information accrued over the years is easier to analyse rather than when stored on multiple platforms such as hard drives, word documents, emails, spreadsheets and so on
  • Centralized storage ensures visibility of data and promotes collaboration. Data captured in the noon report provides valuable information to various stakeholders. The vessel ETA provides information that helps chartering parties determine if a vessel can be considered for a particular voyage which in turn has a direct relation to the voyage P&L
  • Being a web browser based software, fuel consumption data of the ships can be accessed by stakeholders anytime, anywhere. This information provides insights on when the next bunkering activity can be expected, in turn assisting the procurement department make the arrangements
  • The voyage performance system helps identify deviations from the expected fuel consumption patterns and address the root cause
  • Single and real time version of data provided through the vessel and voyage performance system ensures all stakeholders are exposed to same data wherever they are. This avoids data overlap and ensures actions taken based on them do not become redundant.

Maritime Data Analytics and Dashboards for Ship Management

The data analytics and dashboards tool, transforms data from onboard your ships into graphical charts that provide relevant information and deep insights on key performance of your fleet.

Our maritime system provides an overview of any data and helps analyse vessel fleet performance. With the availability of several predefined reports, the system equips you to stay abreast of events and identify patterns with ease.

The maritime specific solution from PRIME Marine is the ideal platform for tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that can be weighed up against the data collected from desired set of vessels or the entire fleet to ensure your teams are continuously maintaining and improving operational efficiency.

Data Analytics and Dashboards for Ship Management

- Automate data collection and processing activities for generating user defined dashboards, reports
- Dashboards, widgets and reports can be defined by individual users
- Drill down into specific data right through the the individual widgets - Schedule reports to be automatically generated and sent to users
- Track KPIs of individual vessels or a group within the fleet
- Compare performance of vessels
- Export data to Excel

Benefits of Data Analytics and Dashboards for Ship Management

- Easy, transparent overview of your business
- Effortless identification of areas of concern
- Quicker response to the areas that requires your attention
- Smoothly identify avenues for cost optimization
- Analysis of data and trends through graphical representation
- Detect negative trends early on and avoid costly penalties
Data from various modules of Ship Management System are made available through our single platform. This allows users to have an overview of the fleet performance while also providing users with the capability to deep dive into data from desired group of ships or of individual ones. Being completely web based, the system can be accessed from any device through a simple web browser. User defined reports of varying degree of complexities can be created with ease and can be scheduled to be automatically sent to desired users. Through Vision, data analytics becomes a breeze and fun to work with.
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